Blue Honey (5m) Directed by Constance Joliff, Daphne Durocher, and Fanny Lhotellier France Animation The dangerous addiction of insects.
Mr. Madila (9m) Directed by Rory Waudby-Tolley United Kingdom Animation A spiritual healer explores life, the universe, and everything.
Recursion (15m) Directed by Joel Benjamin United States Animation A lost astronaut and his beast explore a dangerous world.
Cure (2m) Directed by Peter Baynton United Kingdom Animation A visual exploration of cancer survival.
Planet Unknown (9m) Directed by Shawn Wang China Animation A pair of robots add green to a barren planet.
Pokey Pokey (7m) Directed by Junjie “Jake” Zhang United States Animation The terror of over-protection in a dystopian world.